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Tronçon is a cut of steak of flatfish cut on the bone |
Abalone - A univalve mollusc also known as Ormer or Sea Ear, which can be found along the coasts of California, Mexico, Japan and rarely on Europe. The edible portion is the "adductor muscle" ( foot) by which it clings to rocks. The flesh is tough but well flavoured so tenderised the "foot" is essential through batting - it can then be eaten raw or slowly stewed. Ahi - A type of tuna that can reach about 300 pounds in weight. They feature a pale pink flesh that is relatively mild. Also called "Yellowfin tuna." Aida - A way of serving flatfish fillets similar to florentine but with the addition of paprika to mornay sauce and spinach. Aku - This small tuna (6 to 8 pounds) has a light-colored meat similar to yellowfin. The Japanese call this fish "Katsuo." Akule - This marine fish, found near Hawaii, is normally served salted and dried. Also known as "Bigeye Scad." Alaskan Cod - This saltwater fish, which is not a true cod, has a soft textured flesh and a mild flavor. Its high fat content makes it a good fish for smoking. Also called "Sablefish." Albacore - A highly prized, mild-flavored tuna that weighs between 10 and 60 pounds. This high-fat fish is the only tuna that can honestly be called "white." It is the most expensive variety of canned tuna. Alewife - One of the most popular members of the herring family, the alewife is anadromous (it spawns in fresh water). This fish provides high-fat flesh with a fine, soft, texture. Alligator - A large aquatic reptile that grows up to 19 feet in length. The meat is generally only available in its native regions--Louisiana and the Gulf States. Alligators feature meat ranging from white to dark--mild to strongly flavored. Amberjack - A lean, mild fish found along the South Atlantic coast. Difficult to find in markets; usually sold whole. Anchovy - There are many species of small, silvery fish known as "anchovies," but the true anchovy comes from the Mediterranean and southern European coastlines. Anchovy is delicious fresh often filleted, salt-cured, and canned in oil. Used sparingly to flavor foods. To fillet an anchovy run the thumbnail from head to tail on both sides of the spine. Angler Fish - This large low-fat, firm-textured salt-water fish has a mild, sweet flavor that compares with lobster. Sometimes referred to as "poor man's lobster." Also called "Monkfish," and "goose-fish." Arctic Bonito - This small tuna (6 to 8 pounds) has a light-colored meat similar to yellowfin. The Japanese call this fish "katsuo" and the Hawaiians call it "aku." Arctic Char - The Arctic char
is distributed throughout the polar regions and is the most northerly
distributed of char, it is often sold smoked and is now
Awa - An important food fish of the Indo-Pacific region that offers a tender, white flesh. Hawaiians use Awa for making fish cakes and sashimi. Also called "Milkfish." Bacalao - Most salt cod comes from Norway. When choosing look for white flesh and black skin - yellowing flesh denotes age. To use the fish needs to be soaked for 24-48 hours, frequently changing the water, to remove most of the salt. It is then ready to be poached - never boil salt cod otherwise it will go stringy. Popular in Spain, the fish is often cooked with chilli and red pepper. Try adding to soups as part of the seasoning as well as being fish. Barracuda - A pike-like sea fish with long pointed jaws filled with razor-sharp teeth. It is a firm-textured fish with moderate fat content. The type most commonly found in the U.S. is the Pacific barracuda (also called the California barracuda). Bass - Also known as sea perch, bass is a term that refers to numerous and often unrelated freshwater and saltwater fish. True basses include groupers, black sea bass, and the striped bass. Largemouth, redeye, rock, smallmouth and the spotted bass, are actually sunfish. Belly-Fish
- This large low-fat, firm-textured salt-water fish has a mild, sweet
flavor that compares with lobster. Sometimes referred to as "poor man's
lobster." Also called "angler fish," "monkfish," and "goosefish."
Black Cod - This saltwater fish, which is not a true cod, has a soft textured flesh and a mild flavor. Its high fat content makes it a good fish for smoking. Also called "sablefish." Blackfish - A lean, delicately flavored Pacific Ocean fish that is popular in Chinese cookery. Also called "Black Trout" and "Chinese Steelhead." Blue Crab - Named after its blue claws and dark blue-green shell, this crab is found along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. It is sold in both its soft and hard-shell stages. The "soft-shell crab" is simply a blue crab caught just after molting. Bluefin Tuna - The best and among the largest of tuna, the bluefin can weigh over 1,000 pounds. As bluefin age, their flesh turns from light to dark red and takes on a stronger flavor. It is now considered the finest of all fish that can be served raw as sushi and sashimi. Its numbers are now declining dangerously as it is much sought after. Bluefish - A fatty, fine-textured fish that is also known as "bulldog of the ocean" because of its tenacity. Found in the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Discard the dark oily strip that runs down its center to prevent a strong, fishy flavor. Bluegill - One of a large number of North American freshwater fish closely related to the perch. Known for their bright, sunny colors, bluegill are also known as "sunfish."
Bonito - Sort of half way between a mackerel and a tuna, bonito is the smallest of the tuna family, rarely weighing over 25 pounds. They range from moderate to high fat and are the most strongly flavored of the tunas. Many Japanese recipes call for dried bonito ("dashi"). Buffalo Fish - This freshwater fish, which belongs to the sucker family, is similar to carp. It offers a coarse but sweet, low-fat flesh that lends itself to a variety of cooking methods. Bullhead - A small, freshwater catfish that usually weighs in at under a pound. Its flesh is lean and mild in flavor. Burbot - A freshwater cod with a lean white flesh and a delicate flavor. It is normally poached, baked, broiled or sautéed. Butterfish - This small, high-fat fish has a tender texture and a rich, sweet flavor. Found off the coast of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, this fish is also called the "dollarfish," "Pacific pompano," and "pomfret." Calamari - This ten-armed cephalopod, commonly known as "squid," is related to the octopus. They vary in size from 1 inch to 80 feet in length. The meat is firm and chewy, with a somewhat sweet flavor. Over-cooking can lead to a rubbery texture. Calico Bass - One of a large number of North American freshwater fish closely related to the perch. Known for their bright, sunny colors, calico bass are also known as "sunfish." California Sheepshead - A saltwater fish belonging to the wrasse family. Also called "sheepshead," "fathead," and "redhead." Its meat is white, tender, and lean. Candlefish - A rich and oily mild-flavored fish. This variety of smelt is so named because Indians sometimes run a wick through their high-fat flesh and use them for candles. Also known as the "Eulachon." Carp - This freshwater fish ranges from 2 to 7 pounds and has a lean white flesh. It is the primary ingredient for the Jewish dish called "gefilte fish." Catfish - This fish is firm, low in fat, and has a mild flavor. Most catfish are fresh water varieties, but there is a salt water variety that called the "hogfish." The channel catfish is considered the best for eating. Chikuwa - A variety of Japanese fish paste cake. Chinook Salmon - Considered the finest Pacific salmon. This high-fat, soft textured fish can reach up to 120 pounds. Also called the "king salmon." Chub - One of the most prized whitefish found in the Great Lakes and in Canada. May be prepared in any manner suitable for salmon. Also called "?Lake Herring" and "Cisco." Chum Salmon - This, the smallest and most delicate flavored of the salmons, has the lightest color and the lowest fat content of the various salmon varieties. Also called the "dog salmon." Cisco - One of the most prized whitefish found in the Great Lakes and in Canada. May be prepared in any manner suitable for salmon. Also called "lake herring" and "chub." Clam - These bivalve mollusks come in two varieties. Hard-shell clams include littleneck, cherrystone, and chowder clams. The soft-shelled clams, such as steamer, razor, and geoduck clams, have thin brittle shells that can't completely close. Cod
- A popular lean, firm, white meat fish from the Pacific and the North
Atlantic. "Scrod" is the name for young cod (and haddock) that weight
less that 2.5 pounds. "Haddock," "Hake," and "Pollock" are close relatives
of the cod. Coho
Salmon - This high-fat variety of salmon
provides a firm-textured, pink to orange-red flesh. Also called the "silver
Crab - Any of a large variety of 10-legged crustaceans (shelled animals). There are freshwater and salt water varieties. It is the second most popular shellfish. (Shrimp is the most popular.) see How to Prepare Dressed Crab Crappie - One of a large number of North American freshwater fish closely related to the perch. Known for their bright, sunny colors, crappie are also known as "sunfish." Crayfish - Also called "Crawfish" and "crawdads." Crayfish are freshwater crustaceans that look like tiny lobsters. Crayfish can be prepared in any manner appropriate to a lobster. Croaker - Any of a variety of fish named for the peculiar drumming or deep croaking noise they make. These fish are firm and low in fat. The croaker family includes the black croaker, black drum, hardhead, kingfish, and redfish. Cusk - A large saltwater fish related to the cod. It has a firm, lean flesh. Also called "tusk" or "torsk." Cuttlefish - A relative of the squid and octopus, the cuttlefish has ten arms that can reach up to 16 inches in length. "Sarume," which is available in ethnic stores, is cuttlefish that has been seasoned and roasted.