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Classification of Fish | ||
Ray - This kite-shaped flat fish has edible fins. The flesh is firm, white, and sweet; similar to the texture and taste of scallop. " Red Snapper - This is the most popular of a few hundred species of snapper. It is a firm-textured saltwater fish. Some species of rockfish and tilefish are also called snappers, but are not. Red Perch - This important commercial fish is a member of the rockfish group. Also known as "ocean perch," although it is not a true perch. Redeye Salmon - Prized for canning, the sockeye salmon has a firm, red flesh. Also known as the "sockeye salmon." Redfish - This important commercial fish is a member of the rockfish group. Also known as "ocean perch," although it is not a true perch. Redhead - A saltwater fish belonging to the wrasse family. Also called "California Sheesphead." Its meat is white, tender, and lean. Rockfish - A low-fat fish of the Pacific Coast. There are two categories: the elongated varieties are milder and softer, and include Yellowtail and Goldeneye. The more full-flavored deep-bodied types include Bocaccio, Chilipepper, and Shortbelly. Roe - A seafood delicacy with two varieties: "Hard roe" is the female fish's eggs. "Soft roe" (also called "white roe") is the milt (male reproductive glands filled with seminal fluid) of the male fish. Salted roe is called "caviar." Rosefish - This important commercial fish is a member of the rockfish group. Also known as "ocean perch," although it is not a true perch. Sablefish - This saltwater fish has a soft-textured flesh and a mild flavor. Its high fat content makes it a good fish for smoking. Called "Alaskan cod," "Black Cod," "Butterfish," and "Skil," although it is neither a cod nor a butterfish. Salmon
- To many Salmon is the king of fish. A large migratory round
oily fish living mainly in the sea but spawning in fresh water. It is
characterised by its orangy/pink flesh. Now bred in vast numbers in captivity
salmon varies in price considerably. Wild salmon is more expensive and
better favoured and do not contain the chemical food additives that farmed
Salmon are usually fed. Best eaten under three years of age. Salmon is
prepared whole or cut into darnes,
supremes, or slices Sardine - The name describing several varieties of weak-boned fish including the Alewife, French Sardine, Herring, and Sprat. Named after the French island of Sardina. Often salted, smoked, or canned and packed in oil, tomato, or mustard sauce. . Scallop - A bivalve mollusk with a ribbed, fan-shaped shell. In U.S. markets, only the adductor muscle, which opens and closes the shell is available. The Bay scallop is smaller, sweeter and a bit more succulent that their deep sea counterparts. Scampi - The Italian name for the tail portion of any of several varieties of miniature lobsters. In the U.S., the term refers to large shrimp that are split and brushed in a garlic oil or butter, then broiled. "Scampo" is the singular form. Scrod - Scrod is the name for young cod (and haddock) that weight less that 2.5 pounds. It is a popular fish from the Pacific and the North Atlantic with a lean, firm, white flesh. "Haddock," "hake," and "pollock" are close relatives of the cod. Scup - Also know as "porgie" or "sea bream." These fish are generally lean, and coarse-grained. Scup is often grilled, poached, and pan-fried. Sea Trout - Similar to Salmon in colour sea trout live off crustaceans and have the best flavor of all trout. An anadromous (spawns in fresh water) type of brown trout they spend part to their life cycle in the sea. Sea trout are prepared in the same way as Salmon. Sea Perch - This important commercial fish is a member of the rockfish group. Also known as "ocean perch," although it is not a true perch. Sea Devil - This large low-fat, firm-textured salt-water fish has a mild, sweet flavor that compares with lobster. Also called "angler fish" "monkfish," and "goosefish." Sea Bream - Also know as "scup." These marine fish are generally lean, and coarse-grained. Sea bream is often grilled, poached, and pan-fried. Sea Bass - A term used to describe a number of lean to moderately fat marine fish, most of which aren't actually members of the bass family. "Striped bass" and "Black Sea bass" are true bass. The "white sea bass" is a member of the drum family.
Sewin - a sea trout. Shad - Small, delicate saltwater fish related to the alewife, herring, and sardine. They are larger than herrings and spawn in fresh water. Some species of shad have been landlocked and live in freshwater lakes. Shark - A flavorful, low-fat fish that includes varieties such as Leopard, Mako, Spiny Dogfish, Soupfin and Thresher. Shark meat tends to have an ammonia-like smell that can be eliminated by soaking the flesh in milk or acidulated water. Sheepshead - A saltwater fish belonging to the wrasse family. Also called "California Sheephead," "Fathead," and "Redhead." Its meat is white, tender, and lean. Shrimp - American's most valuable and popular shellfish. This ten-legged crustacean got its name from English word "shrimpe," which means "puny person." Silver Salmon - This high-fat variety of salmon provides a firm-textured, pink to orange-red flesh. Also called the "coho salmon." Silver Hake - A small gray and white saltwater fish that is also called the "whiting." This low-fat fish, which is related to both the "cod" and the "hake," has a tender white fine-textured flesh and a flaky, delicate flavor. Skate - This kite-shaped fish features edible fins. The flesh is firm, white, and sweet, similar to the texture and taste of scallop. Also called "Skate." Skil - This saltwater fish has a soft-textured flesh and a mild flavor. Its high fat content makes it a good fish for smoking. Also "black cod" and "sablefish," although it is not a cod. Skipjack Tuna - Also called the "oceanic bonito," "watermelon," and "Arctic bonito," this small tuna (6 to 8 pounds) has a light-colored meat similar to yellowfin. The Japanese call this fish "katsuo" and the Hawaiians call it "aku." Smelt - A rich and oily mild-flavored fish. Popular varieties of smelt include "Eulachon" and "Whitebait." The eulachon is called the "candlefish" because Indians sometimes run a wick through their high-fat flesh and use them for candles. Snail - Often categories with shellfid, eaten since prehistoric times, the snail was associated mainly with French cookery but is now widespread. Snapper - There are a few hundred species of this lean, firm-textured saltwater fish, 15 or so which are available in the U.S. The most popular snapper is the "red snapper." Some species of rockfish and tilefish are called snappers, but are not. Sockeye Salmon - Prized for canning, the sockeye salmon has a firm, red flesh. Also known as the "redeye salmon." Softshell Crab - The "soft-shell crab" is actually the blue crab caught just after molting (discarding its shell). This crab is found along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. It is sold in both its soft and hard-shell stages. Sole - A popular flatfish with a delicate flesh with a firm, fine texture. The best-known variety is "Dover sole" (also called "channel sole)." Much of what is sold as "sole" in the U.S. is actually a variety of flounder, which isn't a true sole. Souse Loaf - Well-cooked pig's head and feet that are chopped into small pieces, marinated in lime juice, chili pepper and salt, then pressed into a loaf. Spot - A small fish (approximately 1.5 pounds) belonging to the drum family. In 1925, these fish appeared in New York harbor in such vast numbers that they clogged the condenser pumps of the electric company and caused a blackout. Squid - This ten-armed cephalopod is related to the octopus and the cuttlefish. Squid varies in size from 1 inch to 80 feet in length. The meat is firm and chewy, with a somewhat sweet flavor. Over-cooking can lead to a rubbery texture. Striped Bass - This true bass is found along the Atlantic coast. It features six to eight horizontal stripes and provides a moderately fat, firm flesh with a mild, sweet flavor. Sturgeon - A name for various migratory species of fish know for its rich, high-fat flavor, firm texture, and excellent roe. Their average weight is 60 pounds, but one freshwater "Beluga" sturgeon was 26 feet long and weighed 3,221 pounds. Sucker - A name popularly applied to various types of freshwater fish closely related to carp. Suckers live and feed near the bottoms of streams. They may be cooked in any way appropriate for other fish. Sunfish - Any of a number of North American freshwater fish closely related to the perch. Known for their bright, sunny colors and interesting shapes, popular varieties include "Bluegill," "Crappie," and "Calico Bass," commonly called "Sunnies." Surimi - Imitation crab meat processed from fish. Swordfish - A saltwater food and sport fish with mild-flavored, moderately fat flesh. The flesh is red, dense, and meat-like. Thanks to its firmness, swordfish can be prepared by baking, broiling, grilling, poaching, or sautéing. Tarpon - A large, powerful game fish from the warmer waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Terrapin - This eight-inch long freshwater turtle is considered by many to have the best meat among turtles. Its flesh is often pounded and served like steak. Tilefish - This low-fat Atlantic fish is delicately flavored and has a flesh that is firm yet tender. Available fresh and frozen, in steaks and fillets. Suitable for just about any cooking method. Torsk - A large saltwater fish related to the cod. It has a firm, lean flesh. Also called "cusk." Trout - A delicately flavored fish that belongs to the same family as salmon and whitefish. Most are freshwater, but some are marine (sea trout). The very popular "rainbow trout" has been transplanted from California to many different countries. Tuna - A large saltwater fish related to the mackerel. Probably the most popular fish used in canning today. Tunas have a distinctive red myoglobin rich flesh that is moderately high in fat and has a firmly textured flaky but tender flesh. There are several variaties the Blue-fin being the most expensive and genearally considered the best others include Albacore, Bigeye, Skipjack, Yellowfin, Bonito. Tuna is usually sold ready cut and filleted and you should allow approximately 175g per person. Tuna becomes dry when overcooked so treat it light steak and ensure it is very very fresh, avoid brown looking, or fillets that are falling apart or with an oily sheen. Turbot - A flatfish with a lean, firm white flesh and a mild flavor. Turbot is also the market name for several varieties of flounder fished from Pacific waters. Turtle - Any of several varieties of shelled reptiles that live on land, in freshwater, or in the sea. Turtles can weigh over 1,000 pounds. Sea or Green Turtles are best known as food. Tusk - A large saltwater fish related to the cod. It has a firm, lean flesh. Also called "cusk." |