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Darne - A sliceor steak of a round fish cut through the bone. Deglaze - To dissolve the small particles of sautéed meat remaining in a pan by adding a liquid and heating. Used as base for sauces. Degrease - To remove the fat from the surface of a liquid Deep Fry - To cook food covered in fat. See Deep Frying topic Dice - To cut into equal sized cubes. The smallest vegetable dice is known as brunoise 2mm (1/12inch) the largest macédoine 1/2 cm (1/4 inch). Dilute - To make a sauce or stock weaker by adding more liquid. Dredge - To coat with a dry mixture such as flour, bread or cracker crumbs. Drizzle - To pour liquid over the surface of food in a fine stream. Dry heat cooking - Cooking without the addition of liquid. Examples include grilling, broiling and panfrying. Used for tender cuts or less tender cuts that have been marinated. Dutch oven - A heavy pot with a tight-fitting cover.