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Steak Slices in Tomato Sauce

O.K. a nice one if you want to impress someone in a simple way.

Nice steak for grilling

3 large tins of chopped tomatoes.

Large onion



As I’ve stressed before use your own imagination when it comes to measuring out the ingredients. Really, I’ve learned it’s the best way of finding out, and you’d be surprised how your own logic can really ‘kick in’.

Open up the tins of tomatoes and pour into a large frying pan, and start heating gently.

Chop up the onion finely, and whatever quantity of garlic you choose and add in.

Now we have to do what is called ‘reducing’ (or as I might say — let it thicken up)

With the steak, think of how much you’d like to eat and multiply that by the number of other people you might be cooking for. What cut of steak? Make your Butcher feel good and ask his advice!

Cut off any fat and place under the grill, heat gently till you are able to penetrate the steak easily with a fork.

Preferably, slightly undercooked, remove the steak from the grill.

Place the steak onto a plate and cut into strips, say, 1.5 inches wide.

Place the strips of steak into the frying pan with the reducing tomato sauce.

This way you’ll have juice mingling with the sauce.

Sprinkle over some Oregano.

Allow to heat gently until you’re ready to serve, and the tomato sauce is of a thickish texture.

With chips?

While all this is happening have you heard ‘Frankie Goes to Hollywood’ - ‘Maximum Joy’ - Fab!

And with a drop of ‘Strongbow’ cider, - awesome!!