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One recipe at a time

Spag. Boll.

What you need:

Large Saucepan — Decent Sized Frying Pan — Empty Containers.

Mincemeat: Enough to fill your frying pan, but not spill over the edges.

Bolognese Sauce: Why not cheat. Enough to flavour the quantity of Spag. Boll.

you’re about to make.

Tomato Puree.

Onions: As many as you feel you need, you can always keep the spare.

Garlic: How many friends do you want to get rid of?

Chopped tomatoes: A couple of tins.

Oregano: Buy a small dispenser; it’ll come in handy again.

Mushrooms: Plenty, as with the onions you can always keep the spare.

Small Sausages: In proportion to the other ingredients.


And Finally the Piece de Resistance - - Strongbow Cider .

Now what have you got to remember. This is for you!

In the frying pan pour a small drop of cooking oil. Place on the oven to heat gently and place the mincemeat in the pan. Keep cooking till the mincemeat, which you’ll turn every now and then, is turning brown. Just don’t burn it!!

While the mincemeat is cooking chop up some onions finely, in proportion to the quantity of mincemeat.

When the mincemeat is done, put all the mincemeat in a large saucepan, and continue to gently heat. Put the chopped onion in with it. Stir it all gently.


Pour your Bolognese sauce in the saucepan, and stir in. More than one jar perhaps?

Allow this to all heat nicely. With tin opener at the ready.

Go for the tinned tomatoes, open, and pour in the saucepan. Another small tin?

Again stir it all.

Take your mushrooms; I usually get rid of the knobbly bits in the middle.

Slice into thinnish pieces, and put in the saucepan. Stir.

Now while all this has been going on, you’ll have been frying your sausages.

When these are ready, let them cool and slice into small segments.

Put them in the saucepan.

Add some tomato puree.

While all this is simmering add some oregano.

Now we’re ready for the masterstroke. Take some of the Strongbow that you haven’t already drunk and pour discreetly into the saucepan. Use this to lovingly tenderise your masterpiece.

Have another little drink.


Now then, you’ll notice that throughout this I’ve trusted your common sense and advised you to add your ingredients in proportion and according to taste.

So while all your efforts are simmering away. Get your containers ready. I usually use empty Flora margarine containers (good for the heart, and can assist in a low fat diet — but don’t eat all the flora at once, it can be a bit sickly)

And I hope you’ve used a large saucepan. Being single means storing away.

Let the Bolognese sauce simmer for as long as an hour, just don’t let it dry out, remember the cider.

Put the saucepan aside when you’re ready, and allow it to cool off. When cool enough, put the sauce in the containers, and when ready put them in your freezer.

You may want to keep some for eating now with spaghetti, or chips. But play squirrel I say; since you’ve already started drinking go out and join your mates down the pub and show off with your new found recipe.


My thanks to Fraser for telling me that he uses bacon for his Spag. Bol.
(OK Fraser, but let's not forget whose column this is before you get carried away - joke)